Why Try Vegan right now?

Explore fascinating vegan alternatives to wool

Image courtesy -  https://www.plantbasednews.org/ In our previous set of blogs, we have seen the enormous kind of abuse that is meted out to shee...

Veganism and Sustainability: Why do vegans say no to a jar of honey?

Image courtesy - www.freepik.com   On the whole, vegans try to minimize all forms of cruelty to the plants, animals, and other earthlings we share...

Protein in a Vegan Diet - Part 2

  Super rich plant-based foods from where you can derive your protein from   Image Courtesy - www.freepik.com Here, we will have a run down into o...

Simple tips on reducing Plastic Consumption

Do you want to make your world a plastic free one? If you want the world to change, you need to be the change yourself. This way, you can set a won...

Helping you discover Sustainable ideas on women’s hygiene

Women's hygiene is one of those subjects which are rarely talked about, especially in India. It'a taboo in most places. The silver lining though is...